Questions? Call or Text Us at 585-673-0003
Questions? Call or Text Us at 585-673-0003
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Do you have an idea? Like a really great idea? I hear that! When I came up with my idea for Hey Baby, I knew I was on to something big! But.....getting started is always the hardest part. There are so many things to consider.
What will I need? Where should I buy everything? How should I operate my company?
When I started Hey Baby, I had to figure out so many things along the way. It was a huge challenge. I always wished there was someone I could hire to do everything that I needed done.
It was very difficult to find someone who could do all the business stuff in a timely fashion. I wound up building my own website. I promoted myself with online advertising. I found which ultrasound machine to buy, and who to buy it from. I figured out payment companies, booking sites, and so so so much more. I really felt like I was very overwhelmed.
Luckily, once I had it all set up, things were great! I got to get back to what I really loved to do- scanning the babies!
I have had so many people reach out to me, asking how they could get a mobile ultrasound business started. I am so happy to announce that I am now helping other people from all over the world, get their own mobile 3D/4D ultrasound business up and running! If you are ready to start your own mobile ultrasound business, I can help make that happen.
* One of the major issues I dealt with when I started my business was the medical equipment company I sourced my ultrasound unit from. They were not forth-coming with what I was getting. They shipped the machine to the wrong address, the machine would not turn on, and the software did not work. It was a nightmare- such a huge financial investment... I felt like I was in a spiral of doom. *
Through that business experience, I have built a relationship directly with the manufacturer. I make sure that when you are ready to start your own Ultrasound Business, that the ultrasound machine will be the very least of your worries! You won't have to go through the same issues I did.
I also include ultrasound machine training for you. I can operate the Chison Sonobook 9 in the dark, without looking at the keyboard- I am overly qualified to help you become very familiar with your new machine. I’m not a Sales Person. I’m a Sonographer that owns her own business, and I use this machine on a daily basis for the last 6 years.
I have developed Five Options of Tiers that are listed below. (If you see a Tier that is close to what you are looking for, I can also customize a package to suit your needs.)
I completed a Tier 1 Full Company Build for in January 2023. Here is a Video testimonial from Joy (Co-owner & Sonographer of JerBear Imaging.)
I absolutely loved building this mobile ultrasound business for JerBear Imaging!
What an amazing trip this was! I am so proud to have helped build this company for JerBear Imaging!
Would you like Jenny to do EVERYTHING for you?
Then this package is for you.
-A Chison Sonobook 9 AND a complete PRE-BUILT business plan for you, so you can get started making money right away!
For more information on this package, including pricing, click the button below.
Are you ready to start your own ultrasound business, and are tech savy?
Then this package is for you.
-A Chison Sonobook 9 AND a complete business plan for you to follow.
For more information on this package, including pricing, click the button below.
Are you ready to be your own boss, and want to do most of the set up yourself? Are you only looking to purchase the ultrasound equipment and get trained on how to use it?
Then this package is for you.
For more information on this package, including pricing, click the button below.
Would you only like to purchase the ultrasound machine, and be trained remotely?
For more information on this package, click the button below.
Are you already familiar with 3D, 4D, and Virtual HD? Do you feel like you only need the Ultrasound Machine, and you don't need any training?
Then this is the option for you!
For more information on this package, click the button below.
In the last 22 months:
* I built a following of 164.2k TikTok Followers
* I've traveled as far as Florida to do ultrasounds
* Traveled to Texas to help build an Ultrasound Business from the ground up for JerBear Imaging.
* I've worked directly with Chison, the Ultrasound Machine Manufacturer, to test a new ultrasound machine, make promotional videos, and train other Sonographers to use the 4D Technology.
Matt and I just took a road trip to NYC to do an ultrasound, and then we went on a family trip to Disney! I had the freedom to travel to South Korea to watch my daughter get married this past summer, & also went on a family cruise to Cozumel!
This has been the best Professional Year of my Life! I have met so many wonderful people, and seen so may areas around the country. Hey Baby has changed my life in a way that I never could have imagined. I no longer take orders from a boss, I work whichever days & times I please, and I get to spend limitless amounts of time with my family and pets. I couldn't ask for a better situation. You can have this life, too.
Live the life you want, people. ❤
A sonographer contacted me to help start her own mobile ultrasound business in another state. We spent several hours on the phone talking about every question that she had. Things were going well.
Then she found a medical supply company that could 'save her' a little bit of money. She opted to go that direction instead. C'est la vie, right? Such is life. I was disappointed that she decided not to go with me, but these things happen.
Well, Fast forward a little over a month later, and she is frantically calling me, texting me, and emailing me. The medical supply company she bought her ultrasound machine from was not providing enough support for her to understand how to optimize her 3D and 4D images with her new machine.
On top of that, they sold her MULTIPLE transducers, (which were NOT needed,) and at the end of the day, she spent $5,000 dollars more with the medical supply company, than she would have with me!
Ohhhhh, extremely upset doesn't even begin to describe it. She said that she felt that she had made a Tremendous mistake. I agreed. I felt bad- because I had gone through the same sort of scenario when I bought my own machine. Ultimately, I suggested she try to return the machine to get her money back.
She contacted her medical supply company, and they told her the $2,000 transducer was nonreturnable, and that the restocking fee for the returned ultrasound machine was $6,600. She was beside herself. Can't say that I blame her.
Good question... as of right now, she is trying to get training through another out of state sonographer that uses the same machine that she purchased. I am hopeful for her that it all works out. After all, I know how hard it can be to start your own business.
Instead of blindly trying to figure things out along the way, my Tiered Programs offer my expertise to get your own Mobile Ultrasound Business Completely Up and Running! You could be driving to your first in-home ultrasound appointment literally 3 weeks from today! That's all the time it takes me to start your business for you.
An article was written recently by Travis Truax from Schedulicity, about how to start your own mobile ultrasound business- and I was interviewed for it! Check it out!
Look at how happy Vilma is! This could be you, too!
I know- taking the leap is the hardest part! But you can do this!!
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